Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cassano becomes a dad

antonio vs carolina
Antonio Cassano was happy. AC Milan striker had just holds the status as a father. The status is acquired after his wife, Carolina Marcialis, gave birth to a baby boy named Chistopher Cassano in Genoa on Thursday morning (4/14/2011).

Birth of Christopher received congratulations from his club. "Family of AC Milan congratulated Cassano and Carolina who gave birth to Christopher," the release of Milan on the official club website.

"The birth of a child is a special moment in a phase of life as a parent. Now Cassano has found a new responsibility and at this moment of great hope for Cassano continued to show the best performances for the club,"added the release.

"Congratulations once again Antonio!! All of AC Milan come happy for you, from President Adriano Galliani and Berlusconi to all your fellow teammates and the fans,"added the release.

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